The revolution of ChatGPT 4 in Software development: Implications in the ITSector

IA ChatGPT persona mirando pizarra infraestructura tecnología

In this first article of a series of four, we will explore the impact of new GPT language  models on AI in the IT sector and specifically on software development. At Kiteris, as  providers of AMS (Application Management Services), we are constantly looking for ways  to improve our processes and services. In this search for innovation, we have decided to  plunge into research on solutions based on ChatGPT 4 and other similar AI models to  enhance our AMS services.


The Revolution of ChatGPT 4 in AI and Software Development

The advent of ChatGPT 4 has marked a revolution in interaction with artificial intelligence.  

As a CTO, I am excited about the new possibilities that this language model brings to the  IT sector. ChatGPT AI is redefining how we approach projects, which will allow us to  streamline both development and maintenance of applications in the near future.


ChatGPT 4 Daily Active Users estimación glogal

Parallels between ChatGPT AI revolution with Industrial Revolution 

The industrial revolution and the revolution driven by ChatGPT artificial intelligence share  notable similarities. Both have transformed society and our relationship with technology. Just as automated machinery and mass production revolutionised the industrial era,  ChatGPT 4 artificial intelligence is automating cognitive tasks and improving efficiency in  various fields, including software development in the IT sector. However, they also pose  similar challenges in terms of specialised skills and adaptability.  


Employment Generation in the Era of ChatGPT AI  

Contrary to common belief, the industrial revolution did not lead to a decrease in  employment but significantly increased the number of jobs. Similarly, it is expected that  the ChatGPT AI revolution will also lead to an increase in employment, creating new  opportunities in areas such as AI system programming, data management, cybersecurity,  and algorithm development, among others. While some tasks may be automated, this will  free up workers to focus on more creative and value-added activities. In fact, the  emergence of new profiles, such as the “Prompt Engineer,” demonstrates how  specialised skills will continue to be highly demanded in this new technological paradigm.  


What is ChatGPT? How does it work: 

ChatGPT is capable of composing songs imitating the style of a musical group, writing  poems, drafting a legal contract adhering to the laws of a particular country… all in an  original way. In other words, you won’t find what it shows you on the internet or any other  source; these are all original responses. ChatGPT has learned from all data obtained from  various sources, but these have been models of inspiration, not imitation.

How is this possible? How can its information assimilation processes and use thereof  resemble those of a human?  

To develop a cognitive system like ChatGPT reproduces, various new techniques have  been developed or existing ones implemented and refined. These would be: 

Machine Learning: 

Machine learning through neural networks seeks patterns through hundreds of thousands  of example cases for each particular case. This means that, to compose poems, GPT has  been trained by reading all the existing free literature until the end of its initial training in  2021. To assimilate all this data, the process had to be optimised through a mechanism  called Transformers, which allowed for a transition from sequential learning to parallel  learning. 

Token Embedding: 

Sometimes we have a word on the tip of our tongue, or we can’t remember an exact  term, so what do we do? We use a synonym. ChatGPT assigns a number, a token to each  word, and after conducting a cross calculation of synonyms and contexts, ChatGPT  classifies these tokens based on those parameters by storing them with a matrix of  relationships among tokens in the form of a 3D tree index for quick access when a term is  required under a specific context. 


AI mimics our concept assimilation system. When we study using a book as aid, we  typically don’t learn its content literally word by word but we underline to focus on what’s  important, and our brain retains the essential information. For example, from the text “The  year 1492 is considered the beginning of the Renaissance coinciding with the discovery  of America by Christopher Columbus,” our brain would retain concepts like  ‘Renaissance,’ ‘1492,’ ‘Discovery,’ ‘America,’ ‘Columbus.’  

And this mechanism of data insertion into the hippocampus that humans possess is  replicated in the GPT model. So when ChatGPT reads a text, it truly grasps the important  concepts, making it almost certain that when asked to write any text, it will be completely  original and not plagiarised. 


This is the creativity part, where muses are entirely defined by randomness and a random  result function. For example, when you ask it to write a poem about the sea, the system  must search for links in the 3D tree with tokens related to the sea and randomly choose  one among them and bring its nearby links and randomly choose again until completing  the poem.


Coming Advances in ChatGPT 4 AI  

In the upcoming articles, we will explore whether GPT AI can fully or partially perform the  work of a software developer, which professions may be affected, and what new job  opportunities will arise. We will also analyse the possibilities offered by OpenAI’s APIs and  the testing of connections with Azure-GPT 4, as well as the use of Tensor Cores in  graphics cards for advanced GPT projects in local environments.  


Conclusion on the future of AI ChatGPT 4 and the IT sector 

The revolution of ChatGPT 4 is underway, and its impact on the IT sector, especially in  software development, will be significant. We are excited to continue exploring how this  innovation will transform our work and improve our AMS services at Kiteris.  

Don’t forget to participate in the challenge of guessing which paragraphs were written by  ChatGPT 4 and which ones by me. Until the next article! 



Carlos Aisa Author
CTO | Chief Architect