Site Reliability Engineering

At Kiteris we interpret SRE as a framework of the DevOps philosophy applied to maintenance for all types of companies. We consider that SRE details a series of work rules that allow an approach and interpretation of the DevOps philosophy, applied to the reliability of applications and services. For us, a reference simile would be the Scrum framework with respect to the principles of Agile.


SRE is the acronym for Site Reliability Engineering. This translates as Site Reliability Engineering.


The concept emerged in 2003. When Ben Treynor of Google noticed that no architectural method had succeeded in meeting the requirements of large-scale application or system development.


The main goal of SRE is to develop a highly reliable and ultra-scalable software application or system.

Tools and automation...

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of manual tasks.

Anticipate problems...

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through proper monitoring (observability).

Measure as much as possible...

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with the implementation of SL's (SLA's, SLO's and SLI's).


How does SRE complement DevOps?

The concept of SRE was born before the DevOps philosophy. This is not to say that they do not share many ideas and that they are intended to cover similar objectives, but they raise different questions.

Is SRE the same as DevOps? The answer is no.


DevOps asks WHAT needs to be done to bridge the gap between development and Operations.


SRE looks at HOW things need to be done to bridge the gap between development and Operations.

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