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One of the main pillars of SRE is the need to see and measure everything. To this end, a new monitoring model has emerged called Observability. Observability is the ability to measure the state of a system. To this end, all the metrics, events, traces and logs that the system itself generates must be collected, visualised and intelligence applied. In other words, Observability is how well a system can be understood based on its own operation.


It aims to evolve traditional monitoring into a proactive rather than reactive domain. This gives SRE teams the ability to anticipate problems.


Helps multi-disciplinary teams understand what is happening in highly distributed systems. Understand what is slow or not working and what can be done to improve performance.


Observability teams are a fundamental part of the SRE concept, so although they have different tasks and responsibilities, they will share the same overall objectives.

Observability vs Monitoring

Observability vs Monitoring

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