We do IT for you
IT Services


Application Management Services

Comprehensive maintenance service for software applications adapted to the needs and size of the business. Managed In House, in our software factory in Cartagena (Region of Murcia) or in mixed format, depending on the convenience of the project.


Team as a Service. Multidisciplinary team of experts in .Net and PHP with extensive experience in the sector.


Analysis and optimisation of applications through agile development, clear objectives in terms of performance improvements and bug reduction.


Focused on continuous improvement. We measure and discuss the results.


Site Reliability Engineering

We extend the scope of the AMS to provide greater robustness, scalability and reliability to your applications and their immediate environment. The SRE eliminates friction between development and operations departments, applying a concrete framework based on the DevOps philosophy. The aim is to align business and IT objectives in a more efficient and coordinated way.

In companies with a consolidated and mature software AMS framework, we see the path towards SRE as an evolution of the AMS team, empowering the Operations side of the AMS team to offer an end-to-end vision, starting with critical applications.


We reduce operating costs by streamlining coordination between departments, with end-to-end processes.


Eliminate barriers and friction by building seamless communication between Development and Operations departments.


We identify operational, technological and performance improvement points to reduce the time teams spend on lower-value tasks, so they can spend more time on higher-value tasks.


A competitive advantage

Thanks to our team of experts in observability, we proactively anticipate problems in a preventive and effective way, anticipating and therefore reducing incidents, favouring the correct development of the IT department and its entire infrastructure. Forget about watching and learn to observe!


Methodology that guarantees the stability of platforms through process automation, monitoring and metrics.


Adoption of early and intelligent solutions, capable of predicting and prioritising risk situations, focused on end-user satisfaction.


Proactive model with tangible advantages: agile optimisation, security, reliability, regulatory compliance, efficient reporting and financial savings.

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