Application Management Services

We have experience in AMS Services of different dimensions and sectors offering a complete scope: Transition, Transformation, Corrective, Support, Evolutionary, QA, architecture improvement and knowledge management. We are specialists in carrying out transitions quickly and effectively with the maximum guarantees and quality standards.  


Highly qualified multidisciplinary team, with extensive experience and in continuous training, which allows us to adapt to the needs of any service, in a way that is transparent to the business.


Methodology based on market standards (ITIL) applied in a pragmatic and flexible way. Monitoring and continuous improvement through practical and clearly defined KPIs and SLAs, including bonus-malus concepts.


We work from your premises, from our software factory in Cartagena (,.NET, Vue.JS, PHP, Java , webGL, Node, JS …), or in hybrid mode, according to your needs.

AMS execution

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A competitive advantage

We help our clients to transform and evolve from their classic software maintenance and development model (inflexible onsite team, unevolved methodologies, dispersed and undocumented knowledge, little use of tools,…) towards a service-based model (ITIL, tools, knowledge database, flexible and adaptable team).

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SGS ISO 9001: 2015 Certification

Our Cartagena office is SGS ISO 9001: 2015 certified. More information about it in the link below, as well as more details about our quality policy.

Specialised Outsourcing

Team as a Service

For clients who do not wish to transform their current service model and need direct management and agility in assignments, we can provide highly qualified personnel (.NET, Vue.JS, Java, Angular, React, WebGL…), reinforced with Kiteris architects and managers to ensure quality. Especially suitable for clients with agile methodology who need highly specialised resources and probably on a temporary basis: architects, scrum masters, senior developers, or any other specialised profile.

Equipo especializado en AMS software

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